
人气指数:1 页面更新时间:2016-07-18 14:45

  Tutima创建于一九二七年,曾经是德国空军指定佩戴的腕表品牌,开始依托科技的力量创造属于自己的品牌,其制造的质量可以跟瑞士表相媲美,(UROFA)和UhrenfabrikGlashuuml;tte公司(UFAG),由 ErnstKurtz博士领导,公司开始发展并生产自己的腕表,生产出的机芯可与瑞士产品相媲美。质量的款式命名为Tutimar,名称源自拉丁文 tutusr,意为安全r或防护r。Tutima很快因优质和的服务而赢得美誉。


  (UROFA)和UhrenfabrikGlashuuml;tte公司(UFAG),由 ErnstKurtz博士领导,公司开始发展并生产自己的腕表,生产出的机芯可与瑞士产品相媲美。质量的款式命名为Tutimar,名称源自拉丁文 tutusr,意为安全r或防护r。Tutima很快因优质和的服务而赢得美誉。




  The history of the Tutima brand began in Glashütte, a mythical city of horology whose name is known all over the globe as a byword for the best and most exclusive timepieces in the world. And a place in which Tutima is now once again present with a subsidiary, an exclusive production workshop in a building listed as a historic monument: the old railway maintenance depot in Glashütte. It heralds a new era in the history of Tutima, right at the very heart of the German art of watchmaking.

  Glashütte is a small city located in Saxony’s idyllic Müglitz Valley. Its development into a celebrated watchmaking center was anything but straightforward. The first apprentices in the former mining community were trained as watchmakers back in 1845. This was the start of a watchmaking industry that was to earn an excellent international reputation as the years went by. The town reached its heyday as a watchmaking center at the start of the 20th century, when precision pocket watches from Glashütte were among the most highly coveted and most exclusive timepieces of the day.

  This brilliant era came to an abrupt end with the outbreak of World War I and the turmoil of the ensuing Great Depression. Finally, at the turn of the year 1926/1927, a new group of companies was founded under the management of 27-year-old Dr. Ernst Kurtz. This marked the birth of Tutima, the leading brand of the newly founded UROFA-UFAG conglomerate in Glashütte.


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